贝尔森·阿威(Bellson Awatey)博士是一位早期的职业研究员,其主要兴趣是浮现粗颗粒。

贝尔森(Bellson)拥有矿业与技术大学(UMAT),加纳(UMAT),加纳大学(UMAT)的矿产工程学士学位,并拥有南澳大利亚大学Ian Wark Research Institute的矿产和材料工程博士学位。他的博士研究主题是“粗硫化物矿物质的流化床浮选:影响价值回收率的因素”。

After completing his PhD in 2015, Bellson returned to UMaT as a lecturer in the minerals engineering department for two years prior to joining UniSA’s Future Industries Institute as a research associate, before picking up a process engineering role at SIMEC Mining (previously Arrium Mining) in Whyalla, South Australia. He joined the Separation Group at the JKMRC in 2020 as a Newcrest funded research fellow.


  • 拉尔斯顿物理化学卓越勋章,2017年