扬声器:吕特大学副教授Gavin Mudd博士

抽象的:关于“循环经济”的争论越来越争论,挖掘在这种情况下可以发挥的作用,特别是与世界上的努力相连,例如联合国可持续发展目标(SDGS)。在理论上,循环经济意味着一切都被回收 - 肯定是挖掘的任何作用?现实是更加复杂的 - 我们只回收了一小部分金属(只导致近圆形),世界许多部分没有金属股,回收技术或政策到位,支持循环经济,加上许多metals of growing importance cannot be mined by themselves but are crucial by-products at smelters or refineries (aka ‘technology metals’). This is within the context of (1) seismic shifts in global technologies such as the rise of renewable energy, energy storage batteries and electric vehicles – all of which need substantial amounts of metals; and (2) growing expectations of sustainable or responsible supply chains for all metals (e.g. no catastrophic tailings dam failures, no child labour, decreasing carbon intensity, etc). All this means we need to understand more than ever the full spectrum of mining – from resources available to support the ongoing rise of new technologies, protocols to assess environmental management and more broadly, responsible or sustainable mining, through technological design to achieve efficient resource use and broader initiatives for the circular economy. As always, when it comes to mining and its current status and future prospects, it’s still, and will always be about the physical and social environment.

生物:Gavin Mudd博士一直处于矿业环境影响,管理和可持续性20多年的研究。作为一个自信的数据junkie,他的研究建立了独特而广泛的数据集,以检查这一采矿史(特别是矿石等级,矿山废物,剩余资源),将这些与现代采矿的不断增长的环境风险与可持续的需求相连。发展(特别是关键矿物质和可再生能源)。作为一个多产的出版商,Gavin的学术工作在世界各地着名 - 一个真正独立而独立的透视和现代采矿可持续性的声音。




